Monday, September 19, 2011

Strauss Cabin

Location: Fort Collins, CO

Many stories revolve around Strauss Cabin in Fort Collins, CO many teens hang around at night to see if any of the haunting stories become true. Most people don’t experience anything besides the eerie and spooky feeling it gives off. The main scary story that I hear is about a man named George Strauss who one day set his house on fire and killed his two children and wife then hung them outside on the trees. I’ve been told that if you go there at night you can see shadows of the family in the tree and see George standing by his house. A few friends and I have gone down there multiple times and I’ve still never seen any of the shadows. Strauss Cabin is a very interesting place, it is now fenced in but I would recommend going down there and checking it out.
Leave a comment to let me know what kind of stories you have heard or if you have experienced anything yourself!
The tree where George hung his family


  1. Me and a few friends went there tonight. We heard he would kill his workers for stealing his goats. Eventually there were no workers left. He snapped and killed his family and hung himself in the right silo. After actually climbing in to the silo it was obvious that it was impossible. Doing more research we found out it was The Hell Tree. The cops tried to burn the building down because of the evil but it refused to burn down completely. Fort Collins claims that they restored it as a historic site and Mr. Strauss died in the flood of 1904 and that teenagers tried to burn it down. A rather poor cover up story because if you actually visit the farm you will find no trace of it being restored. One of my friends heard whispers in the house. Me and my other friend heard wire being thrown against a wall in the silo. The floor of the silos were covered in wire. We also heard some foot steps in the grass yet nobody was around. If you go there you well see graffiti and trash covering the place sadly but it is worth going to if your in to the whole goose bumps and chills.

  2. I would like some true evidence to investagate

  3. I've been there to photograph it, it's obviously crumbling and the rural setting lends itself to cool pictures. I personally felt nothing other than worry for rattlesnakes, but my friend literally wouldn't go near, she was not feeling it. I do have a photo of a vague white blur shape near the left of one of my photos, and the rest of the photo is clear except that doorway.

  4. I've been there to photograph it, it's obviously crumbling and the rural setting lends itself to cool pictures. I personally felt nothing other than worry for rattlesnakes, but my friend literally wouldn't go near, she was not feeling it. I do have a photo of a vague white blur shape near the left of one of my photos, and the rest of the photo is clear except that doorway.

    1. Can i se the pictures you are talking about the white shadow
